Smudge Stick - Californian White Sage - Medium

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Experience the ancient art of purification through smoke with our White Sage Smudging Stick. This sacred ritual, rooted in the wisdom of native peoples from North and South America, allows you to cleanse and renew your surroundings and self.

To begin, simply ignite the smudging stick and gently blow on the glowing embers to release a cleansing and purifying smoke. You can use this powerful tool to purify your body, create a harmonious atmosphere in your home, enhance the energy in your office, or prepare healing spaces.

These Californian White Sage Smudge sticks, lovingly handcrafted and beautifully packaged for a retail/shop ready experience. While the size may vary slightly from batch to batch, they typically measure approximately 13cm/5in or more in length.

Rest assured, our White Sage is sustainably harvested in full compliance with CA PC384(a), ensuring the preservation of this sacred tradition for generations to come. Elevate your spiritual journey and bring balance to your environment with our White Sage Smudging Stick. Join us in our commitment to a plastic-free world while embracing the timeless practice of smudging.

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