Buffalo Springfield - Last Time Round - Vinyl

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Last Time Around is the third and final studio album by the Canadian-American folk rock band Buffalo Springfield, first released in July 1968.

The line-up at the time officially consisted of Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Richie Furay, Dewey Martin, Bruce Palmer, and Jim Messina, though the band itself was essentially broken up and the album was put together from previous recordings, some made up to a year earlier.

Track Listing:

- Side 1 -
1 On the Way Home
2 It's So Hard to Wait
3 Pretty Girl Why
4 Four Days Gone
5 Carefree Country Day
6 Special Care

- Side 2 -
1 The Hour of Not Quite Rain
2 Questions
3 I Am a Child
4 Merry-Go-Round
5 Uno Mundo
6 Kind Woman

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